Following is a list of GameShark cheat codes for Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere. These cheat codes only work for the Japanese version, not the international version.
Using these codes will change the game's difficulty. Note that Very Easy and Very Hard are not typically accessible in the game - they are only accessible through these codes.
- Very Easy: 800BF664 0000
- Easy: 800BF664 0001
- Normal: 800BF664 0002
- Hard: 800BF664 0003
- Very Hard: 800BF664 0004
Using these codes will load the respective mission for play. Note that the "Unknown" and "Mission Code" missions are unplayable, and the "Game Show" mission is incomplete.
- Mission Code: 800BF65C 0000
- Awakening: 800BF65C 0001
- Bravado: 800BF65C 0002
- Enter Dision: 800BF65C 0003
- Paper Tiger: 800BF65C 0004
- Broken Truce: 800BF65C 0005
- Ghosts of the Past: 800BF65C 0006
- No Clearance: 800BF65C 0007
- Fragile Cargo: 800BF65C 0008
- Scylla and Charybdis: 800BF65C 0009
- Fates Intertwined: 800BF65C 000A
- Reaching for Stars: 800BF65C 000B
- One-Way Ticket: 800BF65C 000C
- Bug Hunt: 800BF65C 000D
- Pawns in the Game: 800BF65C 000E
- Damage Control: 800BF65C 000F
- Broken Wings: 800BF65C 0010
- Sphyrna: 800BF65C 0011
- A Canopy of Stars: 800BF65C 0012
- Game Show: 800BF65C 0013
- Soldier of Fortune: 800BF65C 0014
- Megafloat: 800BF65C 0015
- Target Acquisition: 800BF65C 0016
- Partners: 800BF65C 0017
- Tainted Peace: 800BF65C 0018
- Stratosphere: 800BF65C 0019
- Welcoming Committee: 800BF65C 001A
- Technology Transfer: 800BF65C 001B
- Claustrophobia: 800BF65C 001C
- Dilemma: 800BF65C 001D
- Betrayal: 800BF65C 001E
- Heart of the Serpent: 800BF65C 001F or 800BF65C 0020
- Casualties of War: 800BF65C 0021
- Geopelia
- Part 1: 800BF65C 0022
- Part 2: 800BF65C 0036
- The Orientation: 800BF65C 0023
- Liquidation: 800BF65C 0024
- Archnemesis: 800BF65C 0025 or 800BF65C 0039
- Memory Error: 800BF65C 0026
- Electrosphere
- Part 1: 800BF65C 0027
- Part 2: 800BF65C 003A
- Power for Life: 800BF65C 0028
- Guardian Angel:800BF65C 0029
- Zero Gravity
- Normal Mission: 800BF65C 002A
- Invisible Floor & Normal Physics: 800BF65C 0038
- The Prize: 800BF65C 002B
- Utopian Dreams: 800BF65C 002C
- Reality Distortion: 800BF65C 002D
- Counterrevolution: 800BF65C 002E
- Pursuit: 800BF65C 002F
- Self Awareness: 800BF65C 0030
- Unknown: 800BF65C 0031
- Resistance: 800BF65C 0032
- Radio Silence: 800BF65C 0033
- Revenge: 800BF65C 0034
- Sole Survivor: 800BF65C 0035
- Tunnel Vision: 800BF65C 0037
- Unknown: 800BF65C 003B
Using these codes will load the respective aircraft for the next mission.
- F/A-18I Hornet ADV: 800BF65E 0001
- F-16XF Gyrfalcon: 800BF65E 0002
- F-16XA Sakerfalcon: 800BF65E 0003
- F-15S/MT Eagle+
- Normal: 800BF65E 0004
- Dision: 800BF65E 001F
- A/F-117X NAV Hawk: 800BF65E 0005
- F-22C Raptor II
- Normal: 800BF65E 0006
- Dision: 800BF65E 0020
- F/A-32C Erne: 800BF65E 0007
- XFA-36A Game: 800BF65E 0008
- RF-12A2 Blackbird II: 800BF65E 0009
- EF-2000E Typhoon II: 800BF65E 000A
- MiG-33 Fulcrum SS: 800BF65E 000B
- F/A-18U Hornet ADV: 800BF65E 000C
- F-16XFU Gyrfalcon: 800BF65E 000D
- Su-37 Super Flanker
- Normal: 800BF65E 0010
- Rena: 800BF65E 0021
- Su-43 Berkut: 800BF65E 0011
- R-101 Delphinus #1
- Normal: 800BF65E 0012
- UPEO: 800BF65E 000E
- R-201 Asterozoa
- Normal: 800BF65E 0013
- UPEO: 800BF65E 000F
- R-102 Delphinus #2
- Normal: 800BF65E 0014
- Cynthia: 800BF65E 0022
- R-211 Orcinus: 800BF65E 0015
- R-103 Delphinus #3
- Unknown: 800BF65E 0016
- Unknown: 800BF65E 001E
- Cynthia: 800BF65E 0023
- R-311 Remora
- Normal: 800BF65E 0017
- Cynthia: 800BF65E 0024
- R-352 Sepia: 800BF65E 0018
- XR-900 Geopelia:
- Normal: 800BF65E 0019
- Prototype/Unfinished: 800BF65E 0000
- X-49 Night Raven: 800BF65E 001A
- UI-4054 Aurora: 800BF65E 001B
- XFA-36A Game: 800BF65E 001C
- Su-43 Berkut: 800BF65E 001D
Using these codes will change the gun you use.
- None: 800BF678 0000
- Vulcan: 800BF678 0100
- Chaingun: 800BF678 0200
- Cannon: 800BF678 0300
- Pulse Laser: 800BF678 0400
- Laser Cannon: 800BF678 0500
- Neutron Beam: 800BF678 0600
Main Weapons[]
Main weapon codes follow this format: 800BF67A xxyy. xx dictates the air-to-ground weapon, and yy dictates the air-to-air weapon.
- No Weapons: 800BF67A 0000
- Missiles: 800BF67A 0101
- Short Range Missiles: 800BF67A 0202
- Ground Missiles: 800BF67A 0300
- MIRVs: 800BF67A 0404
- Spread Bombs: 800BF67A 0500
- Anti-Nanobite Bombs: 800BF67A 0600
- OSL: 800BF67A 0707
- Unguided Rockets: 800BF67A 0800
- Unguided Bombs: 800BF67A 0900
- Plasma Beam: 800BF67A 0A0A
- Homing Laser: 800BF67A 0B0B