
"I'm going to take the Belkan nuke and terrify both sides into ending this foolish war, don't get in my way!!"

- Allen C. Hamilton

Captain "Allen C. Hamilton" was second in command of Osea's Sand Island Air Force Base and Captain in the 596th Squadron, Osean Air Defense Force. Reasonable and cool in demeanor, this elite officer rarely associated with the airmen.

After Operation Doodlebug, the 108th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Wardog" returned to Sand Island Air Force Base. It was then learned that Captain Hamilton once flew with the Grabacr Squadron and was in league with the Belken Grey Men. Hamilton convinced Colonel Perrault, the commander of Sand Island AFB, that the Wardog pilots were traitors. Nagase knocked him out afterwards with a sharp blow to the face. The base was ordered to shoot the pilots on sight. The Wardog Squadron managed to escape into the air with Hawk T1 training jets. Hamilton then ordered every allied aircraft in the area to shoot down Wardog. The 8492nd (Grabacr) Squadron pursued Wardog but lost them in a volcanic island and disengaged. AWACS Thunderhead vectored Marcus Snow (callsign Swordsman) from the Naval Air Force onto Wardog. Swordsman shot their planes down after signaling the pilots to eject, and no survivors were found. The pilots were taken to Captain Anderson's carrier (the OFS Kestrel), and it was officially confirmed that they were KIA.

Hamilton was killed in action during the assault on Grunder Industries, after he pursued Wardog into the underground tunnel housing the SOLG control system. His MiG-1.44 was hit by a ricocheting plane which was following Jack Bartlett and crashed in the tunnel.

An interesting fact about Hamilton is his origins. While some documents officially show him as Osean born, he is in fact South Belkan, which can be interpreted from association with the Grey Men and a line where he mentions 'reuniting his homeland to the North'. This can also be interpreted as his motivation for joining the Belkan Grey Men rather than just revenge, as he stated in the tunnel that the current war was foolish.

"Where's Hamilton?"

"He's dead, hit by a ricocheting plane"

- Last mention of Hamilton.


  • Hamilton's death (being struck by a ricocheting aircraft in a trench run) is a possible reference to the defeat of Darth Vader in the first Star Wars film, in which Vader's ship was struck by a ricocheting TIE Fighter whilst flying through the narrow Death Star trench.