"Scinfaxi launching burst missile, brace for impact.


― Blue Hound

The burst missile is a long-range ballistic missile deployed by the Scinfaxi-class submarines in Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War. The weapon derives its' name from the method of detonation; splitting into multiple warheads and detonating in massive explosions in mid-air, destroying anything below 5,000 feet within several hundred feet of ground zero. The first use of burst missiles was during the Circum-Pacific War when the Yuktobanian Maritime Force engaged the Osean Maritime Defense Force in the Eaglin Straits, sinking the aircraft carriers Buzzard and Vulture, and destroying many of the escort fighters that were defending the ships from air attack at the time. The only known defense against burst missile attack is to either destroy the missiles or zoom climb above the missiles' impact altitude before detonation. The maximum range of the burst missiles is not known, but has been shown to be considerable; a burst missile attack launched from the Hrimfaxi stationed in the Razgriz Straits was targeted at invading Osean forces on the Bastok peninsula in southeastern Yuktobania, a distance of approximately 700 to 1,200 miles. The last recorded use of burst missiles was when the Hrimfaxi attempted to use them to defend herself against air attack from the 108th Tactical Fighter Squadron. It is also possible that burst missile technology was used in the development of the Nimbus Missiles employed by the Federal Republic of Estovakia during the Anean Continental War, as these missiles operate in a similar fashion.
