
The EA-6B Prowler is a four-seater jammer variant of the A-6E Intruder attack aircraft. While visually similar to the A-6E, the EA-6B is dedicated to jamming operations. However, it can also operate in air-to-ground operations.



The Prowler had seen limited use in the Strangereal universe.

The Prowler was known to see combat in the Belkan War[1], with Schnee 5 reportedly providing ECM support for Schnee Squadron as a notable example.[2] Another notable Belkan Prowler pilot was Ulrich Stekelenburg, callsign BERGNEBEL, an expert in ECM warfare. Ulrich was deployed to Tauberg to help protect Excalibur during Operation Judgment.[3]

As the Allied fighters destroyed Excalibur's laser emitter Ulrich was located high above the superweapon, he then jammed the Allied aircrafts' radars in an attempt to prevent them from destroying Excalibur, the Allied mercenary Cipher, however, located him and shot him down, ensuring the Allies could destroy Excalibur without interference.[4]

In the Circum-Pacific War, a single Prowler, operated by the Yuktobanian Air Force ace DUNE, saw action during the Osean Air Defense Force's Operation Hammerblow.[5] DUNE flew a Prowler with a unique all-over yellow paint scheme with copper-colored detailing, though was shot down by Wardog Squadron.

Infinity universe[]

During the United Nations Forces' Operation Eternal Liberation, the EA-6B Prowler was made available as a multirole aircraft for UNF pilots to use.

Game Analysis[]

Ace Combat Infinity[]

"An electronic aircraft developed from the shipboard A-6 attacker.
A military aircraft with a crew of four including one pilot and three others to operate the electronics. It handles electronic interference and suppression of anti-air networks using air-to-surface missiles.
At one time it was used for electronic interference missions by the army, the air force and the navy. However, in recent years such duties have started to be transferred to the EA-18G.
It's[sic] nickname is the "Prowler."

How to Unlock

The EA-6B Prowler is available through the Aircraft Tree, after purchasing various parts following the AV-8B Harrier II plus or Mirage 2000-5.
1 575 93,600 780 102 4 E+ E+ D D E+ E+
2 614 14,400 885 104 5 D E+ D+ D D D
3 653 20,880 990 108 6 D+ D D+ D+ D D
4 692 38,160 1095 112 7 6 D+ D D+ D+ D+ D+
5 731 64,800 1200 116 8 8 C D+ C D+ D+ C
6 770 158,400[a] 1284 120 9 10 C+ D+ C C D+ C+
7 809 78,000 1368 124 10 12 8 C+ C C C C B
8 848 151,200 1452 128 11 14 9 B C C+ C C B+
9 887 345,600 1536 132 12 16 10 B C+ C+ C+ C+ A
10 926 788,400 1620 136 13 18 11 B+ C+ C+ C+ C+ A+
11 973 1,752,000 1704 140 14 19 12 B+ B B C+ C+ S
12 1020 1,284,000 1788 144 15 20 13 A B+ B B B S
13 1067 2,328,000 1872 148 16 21 14 A+ A B+ B B S+
14 1114 3,216,000 1956 152 17 22 15 A+ A A B+ B+ S+
15 1161 4,320,000 2040 156 19 24 17 S A+ A B+ B+ S+
16 1221 6,048,000 2124 158 20 25 18 S+ S A B+ B+ S+
17 1280 6,912,000 2208 160 21 26 19 S+ S A+ A A S+
18 1339 7,776,000 2292 162 22 27 20 S+ S+ A+ A A S+
19 1398 9,936,000 2376 164 23 28 21 S+ S+ S A+ A+ S++
20 1457 12,528,000 2460 166 25 30 23 S+ S+ S A+ S S++
Part Slots
At Lv.1, this aircraft carried 26 BODY, 26 ARMS, and 26 MISC part slots. See Tuning § Slot Expansion for further information.
Upgrading this aircraft to these levels unlocked the respective nicknames for use at any time.
  • Lv.3: Good Driver
  • Lv.10: Electrical Ghost
  • Lv.15: Wandering Sky Pirate
  • Lv.20: Prometheus



Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War[]

"This electronic warfare aircraft known as the "Prowler," not only provides active radar jamming to protect its allies from enemy fire, but is also a formidable air-to-ground fighter."

How to Unlock

The EA-6B is unlocked after completing mission 6: Diapason. It costs 58,500 credits to purchase.


  • Speed: 49
  • Mobility: 54
  • Stability: 60
  • Defense: 60
  • Air-to-Air: 50
  • Air-to-Ground: 55



  • Standard: Basic grey with red trim
  • Mercenary: Two-tone brown and green camouflage scheme with black tail tip and nose cone
  • Soldier: Two-tone grey/white design
  • Knight: Light green on top half of the plane, light blue on bottom half and a white nose cone
  • Special: Two-tone tan/brown desert camouflage


Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War[]

"This carrier-based electronic warfare aircraft is a variant of the A-6E. Known as the "Prowler," this plane provides active radar jamming support to protect its allies from enemy fire."

How to Unlock

The EA-6B is unlocked by filling the Kill Rate Gauge on the A-6E Intruder. It costs Ƶ15,200 per plane.


Speed: 49
Mobility: 54
Stability: 60
Defense: 60
Air-to-Air: 50
Air-to-Ground: 55


Named Pilots


  • OS: Unlocked by default. Standard grey.
  • RZ: Unlocked after Ancient Walls. Solid black with red trim.
  • SP: Unlocked by shooting down the ace "DUNE". Yellow body with copper-colored nose cone, tail tip and leading edges on wings and elevators



  • In Ace Combat Infinity, the Schnee skin icon was incorrectly used as the icon for Event Skin #01; this was later corrected.[6]
  • "BERGNEBEL", the callsign of Belkan Air Force Prowler ace Ulrich Stekelenburg, is German for "Mountain Fog".


  1. Players could use one Nonstandard Upgrade Request Form instead of credits for the Lv.6 upgrade.

