
"We will march forward, and we will not lay down our arms until the Yuktobanian capital has fallen."
― Howell[1]

General Howell (first name unknown) was a high-ranking general of the Osean Army and Supreme Commander of the Osean forces deployed to Yuktobania during the 2010 Circum-Pacific War.


Howell was presumably born in the Osean Federation sometime during the Cold War. Likely as a result of the era's vehement nationalism and ongoing arms race, Howell enlisted in the Osean Army and, over time, ascended the ranks until he was promoted to General. Although unconfirmed, it is possible that Howell was among the Osean officers who opposed President Vincent Harling's arms-reduction policies.[2]

Following Harling's leave of absence in late October, Vice President Appelrouth assumed the role of command-in-chief and authorized a large-scale invasion of the Yuktobanian mainland; Howell was subsequently appointed the Supreme Commander of the Osean invasion forces. On November 1, 2010, at 1630hrs, Howell's forces stormed Volna Beach and quickly established a beachhead.[3] Soon after the Oseans' victory, Howell asserted that he had been granted "full operational authority" by Harling—likely in an effort to conceal the ulterior motives behind the war's escalation.[1]

The next day, Howell broadcast a statement to the citizens of Yuktobania, arguing that the Yuktobanian military had initiated the "unjust" war. Howell also assured the Yuktobanian people that the Osean armies should not be feared, but rather embraced.[4]

Over the coming weeks, Howell commanded his forces deeper into Yuktobanian territory in an effort to quickly capture the capital, Cinigrad, and end the war. As Supreme Commander, Howell likely oversaw the planning and execution of the Jilachi Desert Invasion, as well as the siege attempts on Cruik Fortress. However, after Wardog Squadron was exposed as traitors and executed, Howell's forces became entrenched in intense urban combat along Cinigrad's outskirts; Howell made no discernible progress, and the war entered a stalemate.[5]

Howell's life and any repercussions he may have faced following Harling's return to office and the war's conclusion in late December remain unknown.

