For the Ace Combat 2 mission, see Juggernaut (AC2).

"This is a significant hurdle to overcome if we wanna take back Ustio. Failure is not an option."
Ustio pilot

"Juggernaut" is the fourth campaign mission in Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War. It is the first mission in the game to be split into three different operations in the same area, all of which have different objectives.


The Ustio and Osean coalition forces are to launch a joint campaign. The collective strategic military force of the two armies will be referred to as the "Allied Forces". The campaign will be called "Offensive Campaign No. 4101". The objective of this operation is to secure a sea transit lane for the Allied Forces. To secure this channel, the Belkan forces occupying the Futuro Canal must be cleared out. You will be given a choice of missions in this joint operation. Offensive Campaign No. 4101 will be comprised of the following three air missions. First, there is "Operation Gelnikos". This is an air-to-air/surface operation, whose objective is to wipe out Belka's air squadron, port facilities and surface weapons. Next is "Operation Round Hammer". This is an air-to-surface operation, whose objective is to wipe out the Belkan fleet, its port facilities and surface weapons. And the last mission is called "Operation Costner". This is an escort mission whose objective is to protect the naval vessels in Osea's 3rd fleet, including its state-of-the-art aircraft carrier, which will be making a trial voyage. Fierce resistance by Belkan forces is expected in all three missions. Choose carefully which one you wish to participate in. That is all.

Mission Descriptions[]

(A) Gelnikos[]

Futuro Canal Gelnikos

Futuro Canal's southern coastline


Gelnikos is a combined air-to-air/air-to-ground mission. The player must shoot down a variety of Belkan planes as well as destroy some ground facilities. The ground facilities are defended by a set of four jammers, and there are also many neutral ground targets that the player may wish to destroy on a Mercenary Ace Style.

Once all TGTs are destroyed, the mission ends in success.

Enemy Lists[]

The following enemy lists are taken from the Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Perfect Guide Book.[1]

Standard Units[]
Unit Points Count Difficulty Other Notes
Icon-AirTGT F-20A 240 2 Very Easy/Easy [note 1]
320 2 Normal/Hard
400 2 Expert/Ace
Icon-AirTGT F-20A 320 2
Icon-AirTGT J35J 170 2 Very Easy/Easy [note 1]
220 2 Normal/Hard
280 2 Expert/Ace
Icon-AirTGT J35J 220 1 [note 2]
Icon-AirTGT J35J 220 2 [note 3]
Icon-GroundTGT SAM 120 3 [note 4]
Icon-GroundTGT AA GUN 100 3 [note 4]
Icon-GroundTGT AA GUN 100 2
Icon-GroundTGT TANK 150 1
Icon-GroundEnemy TANK 150 2
Icon-GroundEnemy APC 100 8
Icon-GroundEnemy SAM 120 1 [note 4]
Icon-GroundEnemy AA GUN 100 4 [note 4]
Icon-GroundEnemy JAMMER 250 4 Jamming
Icon-GroundNeutral FUEL TANK 200 1
Icon-GroundNeutral OIL TANK 300 14
Icon-GroundNeutral TENT S 150 2
Icon-GroundNeutral TENT M 200 4
Icon-GroundNeutral CONT.SHIP 600 1
Icon-GroundNeutral CONT.SHIP 300 2
Special Units[]
AR # Unit Points Campaign
Ace Style Notes
Icon-AirEnemy 030 F-15C "Elch" 1080 Very Easy [note 5]
Icon-AirEnemy 031 Mir-2000D "Schakal 1" 1000 Very Easy [note 6]
Icon-AirEnemy 032 Mir-2000D "Schakal 2" 1000 Very Easy [note 6]
Icon-AirEnemy 033 X-29A "Hundert" 1280 Ace [note 7]

S Rank[]

Earning an S rank on Gelnikos requires completing the mission in 8 minutes or less.[1] It is highly suggested to take UGBs to clear out the ground targets as fast as possible to provide enough time to shoot down the air targets.


Thanks to your accomplishments in Operation Gelnikos, Campaign No.4101. was a success. The Futuro Canal will be a vital stronghold for the Allied Forces.

(B) Round Hammer[]

Futuro Canal Round Hammer

Belkan naval vessels protecting Futuro Canal


Round Hammer is a simple anti-surface mission, combining ground targets and enemy ships north of the canal. A group of J35Js will also defend the Belkan ships.

The player will complete the mission upon destroying all TGTs.

Enemy Lists[]

The following enemy lists are taken from the Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Perfect Guide Book.[2]

Standard Units[]
Unit Points Count Difficulty Other Notes
Icon-AirEnemy J35J 220 2 Very Easy/Easy [note 8]
220 2×3 Normal (or above)
[note 9]
[note 9]
Icon-GroundTGT DESTROYER 600 6
Icon-GroundTGT SAM 120 4
Icon-GroundTGT AA GUN 100 7
Icon-GroundEnemy AA GUN 100 7
Icon-GroundEnemy TANK 150 3
Icon-GroundEnemy APC 100 5
Icon-GroundEnemy DESTROYER 600 2
Icon-GroundEnemy FRIGATE 300 5
Icon-GroundEnemy SUBMARINE 400 1
Icon-GroundNeutral BARRACKS 250 5
Icon-GroundNeutral OIL TANK 300 9
Icon-GroundNeutral CONT.SHIP 300 1
Special Units[]
AR # Unit Points Campaign
Ace Style Notes
Icon-AirEnemy 026 F/A-18C "Bachstelze" 840 Very Easy [note 10]
Icon-AirEnemy 027 F-5E "Gabel 1" 780 Very Easy [note 11]
Icon-AirEnemy 028 F-5E "Gabel 2" 780 Very Easy [note 11]
Icon-AirEnemy 029 F-35C "Moewe" 1610 Ace [note 12]

S Rank[]

Earning an S rank on Round Hammer requires earning 12,000 points.[2] The S rank is nearly impossible to earn without completely destroying the Aegis ship and cruisers. If the player wants to avoid destroying yellow targets, they should target the body of the Aegis and cruisers to prevent them from being neutralized, and to get the points for the ships and their weapons. The player must also destroy the optional ships and some of the ground targets to reach the point requirement.


Operation Round Hammer was a success. It goes without saying that your actions greatly contributed to the overall success of Campaign No.4101. The acquisition of this sea lane will prove to be invaluable resource to our forces.

(C) Costner[]


3rd Osean Naval Fleet advancing through Futuro Canal


Costner is an anti-air escort mission. The 3rd Osean Naval Fleet, including the OFS Kestrel, will advance through the Futuro Canal under heavy enemy air attack. The player must protect the Kestrel and her fleet by destroying the enemy planes before they can damage the ships too much. If the Kestrel is sunk, the mission will end in failure.

All enemy air targets in Costner, except for the aces, are marked as TGT. The mission is completed upon shooting down all TGTs or if the Kestrel reaches the northern bridge in the Futuro Canal, whichever happens first.

Enemy Lists[]

The following enemy lists are taken from the Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Perfect Guide Book.[3]

Standard Units[]
Unit Points Count Difficulty Other Notes
Icon-AirEnemy F-1 230 3 Very Easy/Easy
300 3 Normal/Hard
360 3 Expert/Ace
Icon-AirEnemy F-16C 240 3 Very Easy/Easy
320 3 Normal/Hard
400 3 Expert/Ace
Icon-AirEnemy F-20A 240 3 Very Easy/Easy [note 13]
320 3 Normal/Hard
400 3 Expert/Ace
Icon-AirEnemy Mir-2000D 300 3 Very Easy/Easy [note 13]
400 3 Normal/Hard
500 3 Expert/Ace
Icon-AirEnemy F-1 230 3 Very Easy/Easy [note 14]
300 3 Normal/Hard
380 3 Expert/Ace
Icon-AirEnemy TND-GR.4 410 3 Very Easy/Easy [note 14]
540 3 Normal/Hard
680 3 Expert/Ace
Special Units[]
AR # Unit Points Campaign
Ace Style Notes
Icon-AirEnemy 034 F-1 "Wetterhahn" 800 Very Easy [note 15]
Icon-AirEnemy 035 TND-GR4 "Absender" 1180 Very Easy [note 16]
Icon-AirEnemy 036 Su-27 "Postler 1" 1220 Ace [note 17]
Icon-AirEnemy 037 Su-27 "Postler 2" 1220 Ace

S Rank[]

Earning an S rank on this mission requires completing it in 5 minutes and 30 seconds or less.[3] Except for the aces, the player will always face 18 aircraft in this mission, so they must shoot them all down as fast as possible.


Operation Costner succeeded, contributing to the overall success of Campaign No.4101. Having passed safely through the canal, the Osean fleet marked the beginning of our nation's counterattack.



  1. 1.0 1.1 These planes spawn after the player has destroyed 13 TGTs.
  2. This J35J spawns after the player has destroyed four ground TGTs.
  3. These J35Js spawn after the player has destroyed six ground TGTs.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 These ground units fire much less often on Very Easy and Easy difficulty.
  5. "Elch" only spawns if the player destroys all four JAMMERs within the first two minutes of the mission.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Schakal Squadron only spawns if the player does not destroy any JAMMERs until they destroy 15 TGTs or more.
  7. Shooting down "Hundert" unlocks the X-29A's Special color.
  8. On Normal difficulty and above, these two J35Js respawn when they're shot down, up to a maximum of two respawns (total of six J35Js).
  9. 9.0 9.1 If the player destroys this ship's weapons first, the ship will become neutralized and the player will only receive points for the weapons. If the player destroys the ship body itself, the entire ship will be destroyed and the player will receive points for both the ship and its weapons.
  10. "Bachstelze" only spawns if the player destroys all ground TGTs on the coastline before destroying or neutralizing all naval TGTs.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Gabel Squadron only spawns if the player destroys or neutralizes all naval TGTs before destroying all ground TGTs on the coastline.
  12. Shooting down "Moewe" unlocks the F-35C's Special color.
  13. 13.0 13.1 The Mir-2000Ds and F-20As spawn after the player has destroyed four other aircraft.
  14. 14.0 14.1 The TND-GR.4s and second group of F-1s spawn after the player has destroyed ten other aircraft.
  15. "Wetterhahn" spawns if the player shoots down five or more aircraft within the first 3 minutes of the mission.
  16. "Absender" spawns when the allied fleet passes through the halfway point of the Futuro Canal, if no allied ships have been sunk.
  17. Shooting down "Postler" unlocks the Su-27's Special color.

