
The OFS Kestrel was a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier built by the Osean Federation.


Early service

The Osean Federation is showing its state-of-the-art aircraft carrier named OFS Kestrel and it was build somewhere in 1995 and the OFS Kestrel's three sister ships are OFS Vulture, OFS Buzzard and OFS Barbett.

Circum-Pacific War

At Port St. Hewlett, the Yuktobanian Air Force launched an air raid on the port. The 3rd Osean Naval Fleet was stationed there and losing its ships, the Wardog Squadron was sent in to support and cover the rest of the fleet to escape from the port and a few ships of the Yuktobanian Navy make a blockade and the Wardog destroyed them well. At Eaglin Straits, the 3rd Osean Naval Fleet's three aircraft carriers were meet up at Bennion Sea.Three aircraft carriers are the OFS Vulture, OFS Buzzard and OFS Kestrel escorted by OFS Finch, Captain Snow's Shorebirds Squadron and Wardog Squadron. The Yuktobanian attack planes show up at Eaglin Straits to sink three aircraft carriers and Wardog Squadron shot them down. The Yuktobanian Navy sent the Scinfaxi to destroy the OFS Vulture, OFS Buzzard, OFS Finch and most of the Shorebirds Squadron with its two burst missiles. Only the OFS Kestrel, Captain Snow and Wardog Squadron survived and are retreating from the combat zone. The OFS Kestrel was stationed at Kirwin Island and remain inactive. The Razgriz pilots went on a various missions to defeat Belka. They believed a Belkan group named the 'Grey Men' was secretly created the war on Osean Federation and Union of Yuktobanian Republics for their defeat in 15 years ago. The 3rd Osean Naval Fleet sliently out from the OMDF and form up into OFS Kestrel battle group to fight the Grey Men.


The OFS Andromeda has decode the Recon Major's disc contain a Belka's powerful weapon called the V-2 that can wipe out half of the cities. A hostile submarine launched two torpedos to destroy the OFS Kestrel. The OFS Kestrel's crew was able to get out of the ship and salute her as she sinks.


  • In early Japanese previews and the "CS" The Unsung War site, the Kestrel is provided an alternate backstory to what is described in Ace Combat Zero. According to it, the carrier was created by the Newport-Sargo shipyard after receiving a contract from the Osean Navy in July 29, 1991. Afterwards, it would have been delivered in February 1999, and comissioned in March 27th. However, this story is not mentioned anywhere else in the Strangereal continuity, and may be assumed as non-canonical.
  • If all is taken into account, the Kestrel saw more action than any other known ship in the Ace Combat world.
  • According to Genette in the cutscene before the mission Ancient Walls, the ship hadn't suffered a single hit since the war began. The only time it was in battle after this was in the battle of the Ceres Ocean and no enemy ships or planes actually fired on her (though it depends on the players speed). This means that the hits that sunk her were the only hits she suffered during the war.


"Nobody wants an aircraft carrier without aircraft"- Captain Andersen to Pops

"This ship may be unharmed, but it pains me to see fewer and fewer pilots come back each time we launch them out on combat sorties."-Captain Andersen

"Take them up."-Captain Andersen ordering the launch of Razgriz despite the ship's damage.

Missile impact, 600 feet on port bow. Missile impact - Kestrel Crew.

Kestrel CIC here, we're transmitting IFF data from the opposing ships. Don't fire on our allies. Did you hear that ? - Kestrel Crew, talking with Blaze, during the mission Sea Of Chaos.

This is the Kestrel all surving aircraft, respond. - Kestrel crew after the ballistic missile attack.



The Kestrel at night after the rescue of President Harling.


The Kestrel racing through the Eaglin Straits.

Kestrel Bridge

Kestrel Control Room
