
Offensive Campaign No. 4101, also known as the Battle of Futuro Canal, was a joint assault operation conducted by the Allied Forces during the Belkan War to take back Futuro Canal.


In order to assist the struggling Ustio military, the Osean military had to find a secure route for their troops to travel to Ustio soil, where the majority of the conflict was taking place. The two militaries combined decided to carry out a joint assault operation to clear a route for them to pass through. The chosen location for the transportation of troops to Ustio was the Futuro Canal, a large river flowing in between a desert plain. This mission was designated as Offensive Campaign No. 4101. The objective was to eradicate Belkan forces around the area & secure a safe route for Allied fores to pass through.


Offensive Campaign No. 4101 was split into three different operations.

Operation Gelnikos

Gelnikos' goal was to destroy the jammer facilities and anti-air defenses. This would allow the ships to stand-by at the entrance to the canal until the next operation was completed.

Operation Round Hammer

Round Hammer's goal was to destroy the port facilities and ships stationed at the north of the canal. With all ground forces destroyed after Gelnikos and Round Hammer, and air superiority achieved in the area, the naval force was ready to pass through the canal.

Operation Costner

Costner's goal was for the air forces to maintain air superiority and defend the naval forces from attack.


With the Futuro Canal clear of Belkan forces, the Allies now had an air corridor between Osea and Ustio. Aircraft could now fly between the countries safely. They also had a new naval passage for the Osean fleet.

