
An example of skills.

Skills are a new gameplay concept introduced in Ace Combat: Assault Horizon. These are passive bonuses that must be purchased with points that are earned by playing campaign missions and online multiplayer modes.

Some skills are already available for purchase once starting the game. Some skills do have to be unlocked, either through purchasing other skills, obtaining an A rank on the various co-op missions, or by completing other tasks listed under Unlockables. Yet other skills can be purchased from the PlayStation Store/Xbox LIVE Marketplace ($2.99/240 MSP each, or three for $5.99, depending on which DLC Pack you are purchasing from).

In the Online menu of Assault Horizon, a sub-menu, "Skill Sets," is available. From here, six different skill sets may be customized, each with six skill slots. Only one skill set may be used at once in Free Mission or online multiplayer. Each skill set has one Friendly Assist System (FAS) slot. Any skill placed in the FAS slot that is compatibile with FAS will apply not only to the player equipping the skill, but to the other three members of their flight online as well. The other five slots are non-FAS and only apply to the player equipping it.

Certain skills only apply for certain aircraft (ex: Enhanced ASM only applies for Multiroles and Attackers), and only certain skills are compatibile with the FAS slot (ex: Rookie only applies to the player equipping it)

List of Skills[]

Following is a list of the 67 different skills available, along with: bonuses; drawbacks; their compatibility with FAS, F (Fighters), A (Attackers), M (Multiroles), and H (Helicopters); their in-game points cost; and how to initially unlock them for purchase.

(Note: "FM" stands for Free Mission, "X" means enabled, "" means disabled or not applicable, and "/" means partially enabled)

Name Bonuses Drawbacks FAS F M A H Cost (Points) How To Unlock
Rookie Increases FAS bonuses from entire flight Expires after 100,000 points are obtained X X X X
Enhanced MG Increases firepower of machine gun X X X X X 2,000
MG Cool Down Quicker machine gun cooling X X X X X 2,000
Wide Range MG Machine gun shots spread, easier to hit X X X X X 10,000 Purchase 10 skills
Extra MGP Increases MGP capacity X X X X X 5,000 Purchase 10 skills
Enhanced Missiles Increased missile firepower X X X X X 10,000
Enhanced Missiles+ Dramatically increased missile firepower Decreased aircraft durability X X X X X 50,000 Purchase 10 skills
Extra Missiles Extra missile capacity X X X X X 10,000
Homing Missiles Increases homing capabilities of missiles X X X X X 30,000 Purchase 24 skills
Long-Range Missiles Increases range of missiles X X X X X 80,000 Purchase 24 skills
Enhanced Bombs Increased bomb firepower X X X X X 10,000
Extra Bombs Extra bomb capacity X X X X X 10,000
Enhanced RKTL Increased rocket launcher firepower X X X X X 10,000
Extra RKTL Extra rocket launcher capacity X X X X X 5,000
Long-Range RKTL Increases range of rocket launchers X X X X X 30,000 Purchase 24 skills
Enhanced ECM Increased ECM duration X X X X X 5,000
Wide Range ECM Increases area of effectiveness of ECM X X X X X 30,000 Purchase 24 skills
Extra ECM Extra ECM capacity X X X X X 50,000
Enhanced DFM Increased ease of initiating DFM X X X 10,000
Enhanced ASM Increased ease of initating ASM X X X 10,000
Quick Assault Reduced charge time of DFM assault circle X X X 10,000
Enhanced Direct Shot Increases ease of performing a direct shot X X X 80,000 Purchase 24 skills
Auto Maneuver Automatic activation of counter maneuver Slower than manual X X 2,000
Quick Charge Increases weapon loading speed X X X X X 10,000 Purchase 24 skills
Throttle Boost Increased throttle performance X X X X X 30,000
Quick Turn Increased turning performance X X X X 30,000
Quick Brake Increases deceleration performance X X X X 10,000 Purchase 24 skills
Extra Armor Extra armor (reduced damage) X X X X X 50,000
Quick Respawn Reduces respawn time X X X X 30,000 Purchase 24 skills
Stealth Gives aircraft stealth capabilities X X X 80,000 Purchase 24 skills
Wide DFM Support Increased ease of DFM support X X X 50,000
Wide ASM Support Increased ease of ASM support X X X 50,000
Global ASM ASM can be used on any ground targets Unusable for bombers X X 10,000 Purchase 10 skills
Quick Base Capture Increases speed of capturing bases in Domination X X X X X 50,000 Purchase 24 skills
Enhanced Blades Increased maximum altitude FAS is competitive only (no co-op FAS) / X 5,000
Missile Focus Easier to obtain targets & intercept missiles Competitive online only X 2,000 Purchase 24 skills
Auto Escape Automatic counter maneuver against missiles Slower than manual X 2,000 Purchase 24 skills
Wide Angle and Zoom Increased range for obtaining targets X X 50,000
Multi-Assault Larger DFM circle when in DFM with allies X X 80,000 Purchase 24 skills
Easy Trinity Unlock Trinity after 1 player kill instead of 8 One-time-use, must be purchased again X X X X 100,000 Purchase 38 skills
Burst Maximum aircraft durability 10-time-use, must be purchased again X X X X 100,000 Purchase 38 skills
Extra Missiles+ Extra missile capacity Decreased firepower X X X X X A Rank on Oil Field (co-op)
Enhanced RKTL+ Dramatically increased rocket launcher firepower Decreased aircraft durability X X X X X A Rank on East African Town (co-op)
Quick Turn+ Dramatically increased turning performance X X X X A Rank on Dubai (co-op)
Extra Bombs+ Extra bomb capacity Decreased firepower X X X X X A Rank on Derbent (co-op)
Throttle Boost+ Dramatically increased throttle performance Decreased weapon carrying capacity X X X X X A Rank on ICBM Base (co-op)
Extra RKTL+ Extra rocket launcher capacity Decreased firepower X X X X X A Rank on Central Moscow (co-op)
Extra Armor+ Extra variable armor (greatly reduced damage) Decreased firepower X X X X X A Rank on Moscow (co-op)
Double Assault Quick Assault, and adds a 2nd circle (more power) X X X A Rank on Miami (co-op)
Fighter Pilot Extra points awarded X A Rank on all Fighter missions (FM)
Attacker Pilot Extra points awarded X A Rank on Hostile Fleet (FM)
Multirole Pilot Extra points awarded X A Ranks on Siege & Pipeline (FM)
Helicopter Pilot Extra points awarded X A Ranks on Red Moon & Motherland (FM)
Ace Extra points awarded X X X X A Rank on all missions (FM)
Gun Enthusiast Enhanced MG and overheats slower Less missiles, missile power, and aircraft durability X X X X 200 cumulative machine gun bonus in each Free Mission
(Not incl. Red Moon, Spooky, Lock and Load, Motherland)
Untouchable Increased firepower of all weapons Less aircraft defense X X X X Any Armor Bonus in each Free Mission
Enhanced Blades+ Increased max altitude on light helicopters FAS is competitive only (no co-op FAS) / X Obtain Color 3 on all aircraft
Enhanced MG+ Dramatically increased machine gun firepower Machine gun overheats quicker X X X X X Obtain all callsigns
Enhanced DFM+ Increased ease of initiating DFM Decreased ease of initiating ASM X X X DLC ($2.99 PSN/240 MSP)
Enhanced ASM+ Increased ease of initiating ASM Decreased easy of initiating DFM X X X DLC ($2.99 PSN/240 MSP)
MG Cool Down+ Quicker machine gun cooling Decreased maching gun firepower X X X X X DLC ($2.99 PSN/240 MSP)
Quick Respawn+ Greatly reduces respawn time X X X X DLC ($2.99 PSN/240 MSP)
Sharp Shooter Increased chance for fatal machine gun shots X X X X DLC ($2.99 PSN/240 MSP)
Defender Greatly improves durability and ECM effective range X X X X DLC ($2.99 PSN/240 MSP)
Quick Assault+ DFM circle charges much faster X X X DLC ($2.99 PSN/240 MSP)
Boost and Quick Turn Throttle Boost and Quick Turn X X X X DLC ($2.99 PSN/240 MSP)
Enhanced Bombs+ Dramatically increased bomb firepower Decreased aircraft durability X X X DLC ($2.99 PSN/240 MSP)


  • The skills that must be purchased with in-game points (not including Burst and Easy Trinity, which are limited-time use) add up to a total of 1,000,000 points.