
I am a Yuke supporter. I bet you do not know what language they speak coz i do.

-- Yes, and this is the worst article I've seen written in all of Wikipedia in any Wiki. The information looks like it was written by a foreign child. You might be related to this country in some way by means of what it resembles, but this Wiki is still in English. Colonel Marksman 17:21, September 28, 2009 (UTC) 18:38, 11 April 2009 (UTC)


If Yuktobania is supposed to resemble to the Soviet Union or Russia, then shouldnt the money be a Yuke Ruble.-- 17:11, 14 April 2009 (UTC)

-- Yuktobania resembles Russia ("inspired by"), but it isn't Russia. Colonel Marksman 17:21, September 28, 2009 (UTC)

sentence confusion[]

From Post-Circum Pacific war section (2011-onward):

"Yuktobania grew stronger than ever because they were one of the two major nations other osea behind which allowed General Resource its power, with the others being the allied nations"

what is "other osea behind" supposed to mean?
