空戰奇兵 Wiki

本列表是《Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception》中可獲得的勳章。徽章類別分為Campaign模式和Multiplayer模式。

Campaign模式[ | ]

勳章 名稱
Ace x sp medal land guadian Land Guardian
Rolling ThunderPinned Down中,於友軍地上部隊的受損程度在20%以下便救出友軍
Ace x sp medal sea guardian Sea Guardian
Ice Bound中,於友軍艦隊受損程度在20%以下便完成任務
Ace x sp medal air guardian Air Guardian
A Diversion中,於友軍直昇機部隊受損程度在20%以下便完成任務
Ace x sp medal eye of the storm Eye of the Storm
Standoff in the Skies IStandoff in the Skies II中,於6分內擊墜空中要塞
Ace x sp medal freedom tower Freedom Tower
完成Gaiuss TowerAtmos Ring、或Wild Card
Ace x sp medal the mark of vioarr The Mark of Vioarr
End of Deception IEnd of Deception II中,於10分內擊墜所有Fenrir
Ace x sp medal swift hunter Swift Hunter
Ace x sp medal conqueror Conqueror
Ace x sp medal armament specialist Armament Specialist
Ace x sp medal bronze ace 2 Bronze Ace
Ace x sp medal silver ace 2 Silver Ace
Ace x sp medal gold ace 2 Gold Ace
Ace x sp medal marksman 2 Marksman
Ace x sp medal sharpshooter 2 Sharpshooter
Ace x sp medal expert marksman 2 Expert Marksman
Ace x sp medal bronze wing Bronze Wing
Ace x sp medal silver wing Silver Wing
Ace x sp medal gold wing Gold Wing

Multiplayer模式[ | ]

勳章 名稱
Ace x mp medal brozne star of victory Bronze Star of Victory
Ace x mp medal silver star of victory Silver Star of Victory
Ace x mp medal gold star of victory Gold Star of Victory
Ace x mp medal golden phoenix Golden Phoenix
在Dog Fight: Survival中獲勝30次
Ace x mp medal red falcon Red Falcon
在Dog Fight: Shoot out中獲勝30次
Ace x mp medal global ace Global Ace
Ace x mp medal bronze hawk Bronze Hawk
在Base Assault中破壞敵方基地壞5次
Ace x mp medal silver hawk Silver Hawk
在Base Assault中破壞敵方基地壞15次
Ace x mp medal gold hawk Gold Hawk
在Base Assault中破壞敵方基地壞30次
Ace x mp medal bronze defender Bronze Defender
在Air Superiority中確保制空權時間超過5分鐘
Ace x mp medal silver defender Silver Defender
在Air Superiority中確保制空權時間超過15分鐘
Ace x mp medal gold defender Gold Defender
在Air Superiority中確保制空權時間超過30分鐘
Ace x mp medal bronze sky bandit Bronze Sky Bandit
在Beacon Battle中將Beacon帶回基地5次
Ace x mp medal silver sky bandit Silver Sky Bandit
在Beacon Battle中將Beacon帶回基地10次
Ace x mp medal gold sky bandit Gold Sky Bandit
在Beacon Battle中將Beacon帶回基地30次
Ace x mp medal bronze roc Bronze Roc
在Escort Mission中成功護衛友軍部隊5次
Ace x mp medal silver roc Silver Roc
在Escort Mission中成功護衛友軍部隊15次
Ace x mp medal gold roc Gold Roc
在Escort Mission中成功護衛友軍部隊30次